

对AVL平衡树的实现,主要在于实现对节点的插入和删除,方法是先用二叉查找树的插入和删除方法进行插入和删除,再对插入或者删除过的树进行维护,使之满足 AVL平衡树的性质。这里对二叉树的插入和删除以及 AVL平衡树的插入和删除都附带写了一下,本来尝写成迭代形式的。最后发现删除时需考虑的情况较多,写成迭代形式,代码凌乱且恶心。有点强迫症,还是写成递归,稍微清晰一点。具体的 AVL平衡树介绍在这里。

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

struct node
	int key;
	int height;
	node *left;
	node *right;

	node (int);

node ::node (int key)
	this->key = key;
	this->height = 1;
	this->left   = NULL;
	this->right  = NULL;

int getHeight (node *root)
	return root == NULL ? 0 : root->height;

int max (int a, int b)
	return a > b ? a : b;

node* rightRoate (node *root)
	node *lchild = root->left;
	root->left = lchild->right;
	lchild->right = root;

	root->height   = max (getHeight (root->left), getHeight (root->right)) + 1;
	lchild->height = max (getHeight (lchild->left), getHeight (lchild->right)) + 1;
	return lchild;

node* leftRoate (node *root)
	node *rchild = root->right;
	root->right = rchild->left;
	rchild->left = root;

	root->height   = max (getHeight (root->left), getHeight (root->right)) + 1;
	rchild->height = max (getHeight (rchild->left), getHeight (rchild->right)) + 1;
	return rchild;

node* previousOrNext (node *root)
	if (root == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	// get the previous of root
	node *ptr = root->left;
	while (ptr != NULL && ptr->right != NULL) {
		ptr = ptr->right;

	// if root has a previous node
	if (ptr != NULL) {
		return ptr;

	// get the next node of root
	ptr = root->right;
	while (ptr != NULL && ptr->left != NULL) {
		ptr = ptr->left;

	// if ptr is not NULL, then root has a next node
	// if ptr is NULL, that's to say, the root is a left node
	return ptr;

node* insert (node *root, int key)
	if (root == NULL) {
		return new node (key);
	// if the key exist
	if (key == root->key) {
		return root;
	// insert key in left subtree
	if (key < root->key) {
		root->left = insert (root->left, key);
	// insert key in right subtree
	} else {
		root->right = insert (root->right, key);
	return root;

node *remove (node *root, int key)
	// the key do not exist
	if (root == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	// if the key is in left subtree
	if (key < root->key) {
		root->left = remove (root->left, key);
		return root;

	// if the key is in right subtree
	if (key > root->key) {
		root->right = remove (root->right, key);
		return root;

	// if the key is in current node.
	// get the previous or next of current node
	node *adj = previousOrNext (root);

	// if adj is NULL, that's to say, root is a leaf node
	if (adj == NULL) {
		delete root;
		return NULL;

	// replace the key of root with adj's
	root->key = adj->key;

	// if adj is a previous node
	if (adj->key < key) {
		root->left = remove (root->left, adj->key);
		return root;

	// if adj if a next node.
	root->right = remove (root->right, adj->key);
	return root;

node* avltree_insert (node *root, int key)
	if (root == NULL) {
		return new node (key);
	// if the key exist
	if (key == root->key) {
		return root;
	// insert key in left subtree
	if (key < root->key) {
		root->left = avltree_insert (root->left, key);
	// insert key in right subtree
	} else {
		root->right = avltree_insert (root->right, key);
	root->height = max (getHeight (root->left), getHeight (root->right)) + 1;
	int balance_factor = getHeight (root->left) - getHeight (root->right);

	switch (balance_factor) {
		case 2:
			// need to ajust the left subtree
			// left left case
			if (key < root->left->key) {
				root = rightRoate (root);
			// left right case
			} else {
				root->left = leftRoate (root->left);
				root = rightRoate (root);
		case -2:
			// need to adjust the right subtree
			// right right case
			if (key > root->right->key) {
				root = leftRoate (root);
			// right left case
			} else {
				root->right = rightRoate (root->right);
				root = leftRoate (root);

	return root;

node* avltree_remove (node *root, int key)
	// the key do not exist
	if (root == NULL) {
		return NULL;

	if (key < root->key) {

		// if the key is in left subtree
		root->left = avltree_remove (root->left, key);
	} else if (key > root->key) {

		// if the key is in right subtree
		root->right = avltree_remove (root->right, key);
	} else {

		// if the key is in current node.
		// get the previous or next of current node
		node *adj = previousOrNext (root);

		// if adj is NULL, that's to say, root is a leaf node
		if (adj == NULL) {
			delete root;
			return NULL;

		// replace the key of root with adj's
		root->key = adj->key;

		if (adj->key < key) {
			// if adj is a previous node
			root->left = avltree_remove (root->left, adj->key);
		} else {
			// if adj if a next node.
			root->right = avltree_remove (root->right, adj->key);

	root->height = max (getHeight (root->left), getHeight (root->right)) + 1;
	int balance_factor = getHeight (root->left) - getHeight (root->right);

	switch (balance_factor) {
		case 2:
			// need to ajust the left subtree
			// left left case
			if (getHeight (root->left->left) >= getHeight (root->left->right)) {
				root = rightRoate (root);
			// left right case
			} else {
				root->left = leftRoate (root->left);
				root = rightRoate (root);
		case -2:
			// need to adjust the right subtree
			// right right case
			if (getHeight (root->right->right) >= getHeight (root->right->left)) {
				root = leftRoate (root);
			// right left case
			} else {
				root->right = rightRoate (root->right);
				root = leftRoate (root);

	return root;

void travese (node *root)
	if (root == NULL) {
	travese (root->left);
	printf("%d ", root->key);
	travese (root->right);

int main()
	node *root;
	int elem[100];
	for (int e = 0; e < 80; e++) {
		elem[e] = rand () % 100;
		root = avltree_insert (root, elem[e]);
	for (int e = 0; e < 80; e++) {
		root = avltree_remove (root, elem[e]);
	return 0;

####引用#### AVL Tree | Set 1 (Insertion)
AVL Tree | Set 1 (Deletion)